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2.9M pixels (HDMI 1.3 / DVI / 3G-SDI + Loop, 10G OPT)
3.9M pixels (HDMI 1.3 / DVI / 3G-SDI + Loop, 10G OPT)
6.5M pixels (HDMI 1.4 / DVI / 3G-SDI + Loop, 10G OPT)
1920 x 1200 (HDMI / DVI / 3G-SDI)
650K Pixel, Dual-Wi-Fi Multimedia Player
2.3M Pixel, Dual-Wi-Fi Multimedia Player
2 Rack Space Processor / Splicer
5 Rack Space Processor / Splicer
9 Rack Space Processor / Splicer
We are a Specialty Display Solutions provider of Directview LED displays and LCD Digital Signage display to the Dealer Channel. We offer solutions for both Indoor and Outdoor applications.